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Fund Manager of the Year Awards 2023


The 2023 Financial Newswire/SQM Research Fund Manager of the Year Awards

The team at Financial Newswire is proud to announce that together with our research partner, SQM Research, we are bringing the wholly objective Fund Manager of the Year awards back for 2023- recognising the best of the best across 18 investment categories as well as an overall winner.


Grand Ballroom
Four Seasons Hotel Sydney
199 George St, The Rocks
Sydney NSW

Dress Code
Formal / Black tie


Thursday, 14 September 2023
6:00pm – 11:30pm


ItemRegular PriceEarlyBird Price
1 Seat $475$425
Table of 10$4500$4000

All pricing excludes GST.


Event tickets are available for nominated wealth management industry individuals such as fund managers, funds management executives, financial advisers, superannuation executives and their guests.

Suppliers to the industry (e.g. solution providers to the banking, insurance and wealth management industry) must contact the Financial Newswire team for more information on vendor participation.

For more information, please contact Amelia King via or +61 407 702 765.

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Australian Equities – Large Cap

WINNER: Chester High Conviction

DNR Capital Australian Equities High Conviction

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Perpetual Concentrated Equity

Perpetual Australian Share Fund

PM Capital Australian Companies

Australian Equities – Small/Mid Cap

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Perpetual Pure Microcap Fund

Perpetual Smaller Companies Equity

Regal Australian Small Companies Fund

WINNER: Spheria Australian Microcap

Spheria Australian Smaller Companies

Global Equities – Large Cap

Arrowstreet Global Equity Fund

WINNER: Ironbark Royal London Concentrated Global Share

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Lazard Global Equity Franchise

PM Capital Global Companies

Realindex Global Share Fund (Scr)-Class A

Emerging Markets Equities

WINNER: Dimensional Emerging Markets Value Trust

FSSA Global Emerg Markets Focus Fund

Lazard Emerging Markets Equity I

Robeco Emerging Conservative Equity AUD

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Stewart Global Emerging Markets Leaders


HIGHLY COMMENDED: Pendal Property Securities

Pengana High Conviction Property Securities Fund

Resolution Capital Real Assets

WINNER: SGH Property Opportunities Fund

SGH Property Income


Dexus Global REIT

Dimensional Global Real Estate Trust

WINNER: Quay Global Real Estate Unhedged-Daily Series

SGH LaSalle Global Listed Property Securities

SGH LaSalle Concentrated Global Property


Listed Infrastructure

HIGHLY COMMENDED: 4D Emerging Markets Infrastructure

ATLAS Infrastructure Australian Feeder Fund

ClearBridge RARE Infrastructure Value Fund

WINNER: Macquarie International Infrastructure Securities

Maple-Brown Abbott Global Listed Infrastructure Fund

Long/Short Equities

Apis Global Long/Short Wholesales

Atlantic Pacific Australian Equity A

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Perpetual Pure Equity Alpha

Totus Alpha Fund – Platform Class

WINNER: WaveStone Dynamic Australian Equity

Australian Equities – SMAs

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Antares Blue Chip Top 20

Macquarie Core Australian Equities Model

Macquarie Growth ex-20 Australian Equities Model

Macquarie Income Australian Equities Model

WINNER: Quest Concentrated

Multisector Growth

CFS Wholesale Enhanced Index Growth

First Guardian Growth Strategies

WINNER: MLC Wholesale Horizon 7 – Acc Growth

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Perpetual Balanced Growth

Samuel Terry Absolute Return Group A

Multisector Growth – SMA

Macquarie Access Growth MA Model

Macquarie Evolve Growth MA Model

WINNER: State Street Growth ETF Model

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Watershed Growth Model

Watershed High Growth

Other Alternatives

HIGHLY COMMENDED: AAM Diversified Agriculture

Arnott Opportunities Trust Non-Series post July 2020

DigitalX Bitcoin

P/E Global FX Alpha Fund

WINNER: Winton Global Alpha

Direct Property Funds

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Alceon Australian Property Fund

CPF Diversified Property Fund

GDA Diversified Property Trust

Redcape Hotel Group

WINNER: Trilogy Industrial Property Trust

ETF Provider

WINNER: BetaShares




Van Eck

Australian Fixed income

Aquasia Enhanced Credit

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Perpetual Credit Income

Perpetual ESG Credit Income

Torica Absolute Return Income Fund

WINNER: Yarra Higher Income Fund

Global Fixed Income

WINNER: CFML Fixed Interest

Colchester Emerging Markets Bond Fund I

Lazard Emerging Markets Total Return Debt

Macquarie Dynamic Bond

HIGHLY COMMENDED: IOOF Specialist Diversified Fixed Interest

Emerging Funds

Dimensional Sustainability World Equities Trust

Fortlake Real-Higher Income

WINNER: GAM LSA Private Shares I

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Langdon Global Smaller Companies A

Woodbridge Private Credit

Responsible Investments (ESG)

Candriam Sustainable Global Equity

Dimensional Global Sustainability NZD Hedged

WINNER: iShares Core MSCI World Ex Aus ESG Leaders ETF

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Perpetual ESG Australia Share


2023 Fund Manager of the Year




WINNER: Perpetual



Financial Newswire’s star manager status recognises the performance and consistency of fund managers who outperform their peers and have consequently gained a notable reputation.

2023 Star Managers:

Dimensional Global Value Trust

Dimensional Australian Value Trust

Pendal Concentrated Global Share

Microequities High Income Value Microcap

UBS Australian Share Fund

Yarra Australian Equities Fund

Perpetual ESG Australian Share

Perennial Value Shares Wholesale Trust

Paradice Australian Equities Fund

Ausbil Australian Active Equity


To determine the ratings, SQM Research looks at a manager’s ability to create risk-adjusted alpha, outperformance in both rising and falling markets, and those who consistently beat their benchmarks.

The research house developed a list of the Top 10 of Australia’s managers by evaluating 3-year track records across 500-600 funds with a minimum fund size of $30 million.

The SQM methodology is described in more detail below:


The entire universe of managed funds is screened using the following filtering rules.

Minimum Fund Size

$30 million

Minimum Investment

Excludes funds with $100,000 minimum or greater

Investment Structure

Open-Ended Managed Funds and ETFs


Minimum 3 years track record


No duplicates or white-labelled products

The methodology focuses on growth-oriented funds with good risk-adjusted returns. The filtering process reduces the starting universe of over 10,000 funds down to a subset that will typically be in the range of about 500-600 funds.


The following 8 metrics are the constituents of the overall score.

3-Year Returns


3-Year Volatility


3-Year Alpha


3-Year Sharpe Ratio

Risk-adjusted Return


Cost Efficiency


Cost Efficiency

Downside Capture


Hit Rate


Each metric has a ranking score calculated for each fund. A score of 100 is the best result across the universe for that metric, and a score of 0 is the worst. The 8 ranking scores are aggregated into an overall score for the Fund. These overall scores (for 500 or so funds) are then used to identify the Top 10.



For the 2023 funds/fund manager of the year awards with Financial Newswire, SQM Research has once again collated performance data on well over 10,000 active funds. As SQM Research is a believer in performance over time taking into account the risks, data was initially collated and sorted on an equal weighting combination of three-year annualised net returns and three-year sharpe ratios (risk adjusted returns). A final ten list of ten funds for each category (global equities, domestic fixed income etc) was then derived. Data was collated through to 30 June 2023.


Finalists were then chosen from the top ten in each category based on the best Sharpe ratio. Where performance was close between two or more funds, the total return was considered as well as any relative rating with SQM Research.


Where risk adjusted returns are not easily available, such as some alternative funds, direct property/ETFs, SQM Research has used its current ratings as a guide plus three year total returns where available.


The emerging funds category was based on annualised returns plus the Sharpe ratio for a combination of one year and since inception data. Emerging funds were defined as funds with a greater than one year track record but less than three years track record.


Fund Manager of the Year

Finalist for the Fund manager of the year was based on the frequency of products that made the initial top ten list of each category.

The overall winner was based on a scoring of how many winners/commended categories plus finalist positions the fund manager held via its funds.

International/Global Equity, Infrastructure and Real estate categories for 2023 include both hedged and unhedged funds and adjust for the difference between the unhedged and hedged benchmark. Where a manager has both hedged and unhedged funds, we will take the average of the two (one adjusted by the benchmark differences) for comparison purposes and only Include the Manager’s fund once.


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