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Adviser sentiment towards AMP improving

Mike Taylor14 February 2024
AMP Tower Building

AMP Limited is still claiming it is possible to turn its financial advice business into a standalone and profitable enterprise.

The company used its full-year results announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) to declare that it had improved its underlying loss in the advice business by $21 million to $47 million.

“The quality of AMP’s adviser network remained strong with average revenue per advice practice above the industry average of $1.75 million,” it said.

The company said aligned adviser numbers continued to stabilise during the year as adviser sentiment towards AMP continued to improve with adviser satisfaction scores at 80% up from 68%.

The company reported underlying net profit after tax was up 6.5% for the year to $196 million, with statutory net profit of $265 million reflecting the sale of AMP Capital and SUperConcepts offset by litigation and remediation costs.

Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor

Managing Editor/Publisher, Financial Newswire

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one foot out the doora
1 year ago

“The quality of AMP’s adviser network remained strong with average revenue per advice practice above the industry average of $1.75 million,” it said.
The company said aligned adviser numbers continued to stabilise during the year as adviser sentiment towards AMP continued to improve with adviser satisfaction scores at 80% up from 68%

Not that anyone cares, but really who’s going believe them?

Old Risky
1 year ago

I assume this was a survey of AMP aligned advisers only, because the rest of us don’t care. And as Mandy Rice Davies once said about the McMillan government, “they would say that, wouldn’t they”

1 year ago

Still losing money on advice. Surveying your own advisers (where you own equity in the businesses) is hardly a ground breaking assessment. The sooner this scab of a company is gone the better for financial planning in Australia.

1 year ago

AMP: I surveyed myself and the results were, I was 80% satisfied with myself. Outstanding !

1 year ago

I very much doubt if adviser sentiment is improving