CFS launches $350 aged care advice offer

Colonial First State (CFS) has announced that it will offering members of its superannuation funds and their families a guidance and advice service around aged care for a discounted once-off fee of $350.
CFS said it would be offering members discounted access to Care & Living with Mercer which would provide personalised support to access all levels of aged care from in-home support, retirement and residential aged care to end of life preparation.
Announcing the offer, CFS executive director of Retirement, Marissa Powe pointed to the complexity of the aged care system and said the company’s goal is to make it less stressful for CFS members and their families to get the support they need more quickly and easily.
“The new service will also make it easier for financial advisers to provide additional support to their clients and navigate the changes to the aged care system which will be introduced later this year,” Powe said
The CFS announcement said the Guidance & Advice service option is available to CFS members at a discounted one-off fee of $350, which includes access to a personalised aged care planner that enables family members, healthcare professionals and financial advisers to collaborate online to put suitable care arrangements in place.
CFS members and their families can also access resources on retirement living and care quality, along with a shortlist of pre-screened providers in their preferred area. Unlimited aged care support is available through the service via phone or video calls.
Access to additional or emergency-level Care Concierge support is available for an additional fee. The Care Concierge service can help with implementation and placement with care providers when needs are urgent, as well as help applying for government support, liaising with service providers and follow-up checks once arrangements are in place.
CFS continue their move away from financial planners, and direct to the public.
did you actually read the article or jump straight to outrage?
Please explain ?
I have recently been discussing using CFS again with their staff. It’s hard to support when they are competition as well.
Does no one read articles these days ? FFS