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Falsified financial adviser exam result ends in permanent banning

Mike Taylor16 March 2023
ASIC website browser image

A former financial adviser who falsified his financial adviser exam result has been permanently banned by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

The regulatory said that the man, Todd Karamian, of Sydney, had been permanently banned from providing financial services and carrying on a financial services business.

ASIC said it found that in December 2021, Karamian altered his Financial Adviser Certificate from a fail result to a pass result and sent the altered certificate to his licensee, Bluepoint Consulting which then provided it to ASIC.

ASIC also found that Karamian provided personal advice between 31 December 2021 to September 2022 to 11 retail clients when he was not authorised to do so as he had failed the Financial Adviser exam.

ASIC said the ASIC delegate found that Karamian was not competent and not a fit and proper person to provide financial services.

Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor

Managing Editor/Publisher, Financial Newswire

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Far Canal
1 year ago

Sounds like he was too dumb to be a planner, always going to be found out.

Speaking of dumb, when is the equivalent ‘Ethics & Required Knowledge’ test being rolled out for politicians and ASIC employees?

Ah yeah, that’s right….

Tree Climbing Fish
1 year ago
Reply to  Far Canal

I passed the FARCE exam on the first go and it is a STOOOOPID test.

Albert Einstein – If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid

1 year ago

Ever heard of an exam where there is no right of appeal or any transparency.

1 year ago
Reply to  Far Canal

Plus let us set the exam.

System Admin
1 year ago

It’s not his fault. It’s the system!

Easy way out
1 month ago
Reply to  System Admin

While I have some empathy for this guy it is 100% his fault. The system did not make him commit fraud

Colin Oskopy
1 year ago

Must be a Sovereign Citizen