Viola Private Wealth launches underpinned by Pitcher Partners

An ongoing relationship with Pitcher Partners underpins the launch of new financial planning group, Viola Private Wealth.
The group has been launched by veteran planner, Charlie Viola, with the launch announcement stating that the firm’s systems and processes are already well-developed thanks to an agreement with Pitcher Partners Sydney Wealth Management to purchase various operational aspects of the business.
As well as Viola as executive chair the new business will have Sean Ward as chief executive and Andrew Levi as chief operating officer.
The announcement said the new business would be focused on managing wealth for night net worth individuals and families by providing bespoke solutions that simplify complex financial needs.
Viola said the firm’s core focus includes the ongoing management of client investment portfolios.
He said around 40% of Viola Private Wealth’s clients were shared with Pitcher Partners which meant that, together, they would deliver a seamless service.
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