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Consistency matters for FMOTY winners

Mike Taylor13 September 2024
Speedometer with Low to High and Performance written


If the winners list of the 2024 Financial Newswire/SQM Research Fund Manager of the Year Awards prove one thing it is that in a tough and often uncertain investing environment, consistency prevails.

While this year’s winner, Dimensional, was a first-time finalist for the overall FMOTY award, it had been on the award radar for a long time being named as a Star Manager in 2023 for the consistency of its performance.

The Star Managers named by Financial Newswire and SQM Research gain that standing as a result of the consistency of their performance.

In a year during which active managers were perceived to have struggled, SQM Research founder and chief executive, Louis Christopher made the point that the best active managers continued to out-perform.

“If you look at who performed in 2022 and 2023, then you see that their consistency shone through in what has been a challenging year,” he said.

“Consistency counts and those that have done well this year have consistently out-performed,” Christopher said.

The finalists in 2024 for overall Fund Manager of the Year were last year’s winner Perpetual, its stable mate, Pendal, MLC, IShares and this year’s winner, Dimensional.

In many respects Dimensional’s win reflected the breadth of its offerings and their relative performance.

Dimensional won the Global Fixed Income category while being a finalist in Emerging markets and small cap Australian equities, Global REITs and International large cap equities.

Dimensional’s win follows on from Perpetual’s win in 2023 and Ausbil in 2022.

Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor

Managing Editor/Publisher, Financial Newswire

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