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Fidelity spins off high-performing funds into active ETFs

Patrick Buncsi23 May 2024
Active ETF launch fidelity

Fidelity International has launched four active exchange traded funds (ETFs) for Australian investors based on existing high-performing conventional active strategies, including its Australian High Conviction Fund.

The other newly launched active ETFs are based on the Fidelity Asia Fund, Fidelity India Fund and Fidelity Global Future Leaders Fund. Each active ETF will be available to investors via the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Fidelity managing director Lawrence Hanson said the conversion of these four strategies to an active ETF format would provide investors “easy access” to its most popular and successful funds globally, enabling them to “tap into our 400+ investment professionals in one simple trade”.

“We have seen growing demand for accessible and flexible investment solutions among Australian investors, and the ETF structure enables us to offer our clients an alternative option on how they invest in our products,” he said.

  • The Fidelity Australian High Conviction Fund was established on 31 July 2012 and is managed by Australian-based Casey McLean. The Fund is a concentrated portfolio of 20-40 Australian high-quality stocks, with risk management at its core.
  • The Fidelity Asia Fund was established on 29 September 2005 and is managed by Singapore-based portfolio manager Anthony Srom. The fund is a concentrated portfolio of 20 to 35 of our best investment opportunities across the Asia Pacific (ex-Japan).
  • The Fidelity India Fund was established on 29 September 2005 and is managed by Singapore-based portfolio manager Amit Goel. The fund gives investors access to the growth story of India, by investing in a diversified portfolio of 40 to 60 stocks.
  • The Fidelity Global Future Leaders Fund was established on 28 September 2020 and is managed by Australian-based portfolio managers James Abela and Maroun Younes. The fund invests in quality high-potential companies in global small and mid-caps.

The Fidelity Asia Fund, Fidelity India Fund and Fidelity Global Future Leaders Fund will launch on 31 May 2024 and the Fidelity Australian High Conviction Fund, previously known as the Fidelity  Australian Opportunities Fund (renamed on 20 May 2024), will launch on 3 June 2024.


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