Munro climate change fund launches on ASX
Global investment manager, Munro Partners, and Australian firm, Grant Samuel Funds Management (GSFM), have announced the launch of their second quoted fund, the Munro Climate Change Leaders Fund, on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).
The actively managed fund aims to capitalise on long-term capital appreciation by investing in a concentrated portfolio of global companies with decarbonisation and climate change solutions at the forefront of their operations.
Nick Griffin, founding partner and Chief Investment Officer at Munro Partners, said the fund invests in listed equities across a variety of industries and countries whose earnings prospects are set to improve in line with rising investment and focus on decarbonisation.
“The investment strategy is designed to identify sustainable growth trends that are under-appreciated and mispriced by the market, and invest in the resulting winning stocks,” he said.
“Globally, the move to a green economy and decarbonisation will shape markets and lives. We are only at the early stage of a growth trend in decarbonised investing and the race to net zero, and the Fund will help investors to gain access to these early opportunities.
“MCCL.ASX invests across four sub-trends of interest including clean energy, clean transport, the circular economy, and energy efficiency. All of these areas cover large swathes of the global economy, and the opportunities are significant.”
The Munro Climate Change Leaders Fund will be co-managed by Griffin and Munro partner, James Tsinidis, with GSFM as the responsible entity and distributor of this fund as well as the Munro Concentrated Global Growth Fund and the Munro Global Growth Fund in Australian and New Zealand markets.
Damien McIntyre, Chief Executive Officer at GSFM, said the shift to decarbonisation and a greener economy presents opportunities for investors.
“The Munro team has an enviable track record of identifying s-curves in its focused areas of interest, and investing in early-stage opportunities, to the benefit of investors,” he said.
“This latest fund is designed for investors seeking a long-term exposure to a portfolio of high-quality global growth and climate change focused equities with the potential for capital gains.”
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