MLC Life utilises NEOS platform

Life/risk platform NEOS has secured a partnership with MLC Life to launch a new offering specifically aimed at financial advisers.
The move represents a diversification of MLC Life’s distribution capabilities.
NEOS is headed by former Centrepoint chief executive, John de Swart and the company is describing its new offering, Encompass Protection, as offering a combination of market leading services and administration excellence together with MLC Life’s financial strength and claims management expertise.
“NEOS and MLC Life Insurance are ideal partners to deliver sustainable, affordable and quality life insurance to Australians,” de Swart said.
“Offering Encompass Protection, alongside NEOS Protection, on the one service and technology platform, can improve adviser efficiency and ease of doing business,” he said.
MLC Life chief life insurance officer, Michael Rogers said that while the firm would continue to manufacture and distribution its own protection products and services to Australians, it was excited to partner with NEOS to bring a new insurance offer to the market.
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