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Squizzy at the cutting edge razor blade with blood

Squizzy is a satirical look at the personalities and companies which make up the Australian financial services market.

Squizzy is always on the lookout for amusing anecdotes from the industry and welcomes hearing any rumours or gossip about who is doing what and to whom.

AMP’s George can celebrate more than IWD

Squizzy 8 March 2024 No Comments

AMP chief executive, Alexis George, had more than just International Women’s Day to celebrate, with 237,471 shares vesting.

Old couple walk into distance

Solving the mysteries of mature-age marriage – who and how?

Mike Taylor 23 March 2023 No Comments

Squizzy reckons the biggest challenge if you’re 92 and entering your fifth marriage will be remembering names.


CountPlus chair, Ray Kellerman, backs his horse

Mike Taylor 15 March 2023 No Comments

CountPlus chair, Ray Kellerman appears to have backed his judgement on the Affinia acquisition with a modest increase in his shareholding.

Telling a secret

A Budget premature congratulation

Squizzy 25 October 2022 No Comments

Squizzy thinks the Masters Builders may have been guilty of a Budget premature congratulation.

Opaque glass

When veracity trumps opacity

Squizzy 19 September 2022 No Comments

The Government’s attempts to change the financial reporting rules for superannuation funds have prompted media criticism and ire.

Tango couple

Doing the M&A tango

Squizzy 19 August 2022 No Comments

Amid all the M&A activity going on in the market Squizzy thinks of it as a dance where sometimes partners are clumsy.


Scomo montage

Financial advisers disappointed ScoMo missed their portfolio

Squizzy | 17 August 2022The former Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, had his pick of portfolios in which to shadow but some how missed financial services.
Politician making empty promises

Bragg positions to stay in the super lime light

Squizzy | 4 August 2022Perennial superannuation critic, Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg has positioned himself to remain the super lime light.
Graphic of figure at lectern with things thrown at them

Hosing on Scotty’s Budget push

Squizzy | 30 March 2022The ACTU has sought to dampen the Government's Budget push with a campaign of its own.
Ugg Boot kicking water

Giving Vladimir the Ugg boot treatment

Squizzy | 29 March 2022Squizzy is bolder than Zurich and thinks Russia's Vladimir Putin should be given the Ugg boot.
Austerity finished stamp

Making Contango’s Marty more comfortable

Squizzy | 24 March 2022Contango Asset Management CEO, Marty Switzer, has emerged from COVID-19 remuneration austerity.
APRA executive team

APRA: Do as I say, not as I do

Squizzy | 28 January 2022Squizzy is not sure APRA is setting an example superannuation funds should want to follow.
Stockmarket crash news

Just about nearly worried

Squizzy | 21 January 2022Squizzy is just about nearly worried about a stockmarket crash.
Graphic with camels and men walking through desert

Is FASEA’s last message lost in time?

Squizzy | 3 January 2022FASEA's last message may be lost for all time.