100 advisers added so far in 2025

One hundred financial advisers have been added to the Financial Adviser Register (FAR) since the beginning of the year, but most movement is occurring as a result of churn between licensees.
The latest analysis from WealthData reveals that the current number of advisers on the FAR stands at 15,575, with adviser growth having solidified since the middle of last year with financial year to date numbers up 232.
Key Adviser Movements For This Period
- Net change of advisers +4
- Current number of advisers at 15,575
- Net Change Calendar 2025 YTD +100
- Net Change Financial YTD +232
- 35 Licensee Owners had net gains of 52 advisers
- 27 Licensee Owners had net losses for (-42) advisers
- Five new licensees commenced and 1 ceased
- 11 New entrants
- Number of advisers active in this period, appointed / resigned: 107.
Growth – Licensee Owners
- Oreana Financial Services up by five, taking four advisers from Fitzpatricks Private Wealth and one from Alliance Wealth owned by Centrepoint Group
- Centrepoint Group also up by net five, including three advisers from Fortnum owned by *Entireti & Aqumin Group (see below re name change)
- SGN Financial up by four with four advisers joining from Exelsuper, one new entrant and losing one adviser
- A new licensee up by three with the advisers moving across from Madison owned by Infocus
- Picture Wealth Group also up by three, two being new entrants and one from Millennium 3 owned by WT Financial Group.
- United Super with one adviser each from Mercer and Bridges
- Minchin Moore Private Wealth also up by two with both being new entrants
- 28 licensee owners up by net one each including Politis Investment Strategies, Ord Minnett Group and Euoroz Hartleys Group. The remaining four new licensees all commenced with the one adviser.
Losses – Licensee Owners
- *Entireti & Akumin Group down by net six. A busy week that included four advisers switching to Alliance Wealth owned by Centrepoint Group and one adviser. Commencing their own AFSL.
- Exelsuper Advice down by five all moving to the SGN Financial AFSL
- Findex also down by five, none being appointed elsewhere
- Count down by three, with Paragem losing two and none being appointed elsewhere to date. GPS Wealth lost two, with one appointed at Consultum, owned by Rhombus and hiring one adviser from Bridges owned by Insignia.
- Fitzpatricks also down by three, losing four to Oreana and hiring one adviser who is coming back into advice after a break.
- Infocus down by two, losing three advisers who have set up their own AFSL and gaining one adviser from Count.
- Lifestyle Asset Management also down by two, neither being appointed elsewhere to date.
- 20 licensee owners down by net one each including Canaccord Group, Lifespan and Rhombus Advisory
Please explain ?
Surveying members that received full comprehensive Advice from external Advisers, and using that very positive research to promote their own…
CFS is simply going direct to the consumer and bypassing financial advisers. Nothing to commend.
Does no one read articles these days ? FFS
I have recently been discussing using CFS again with their staff. It's hard to support when they are competition as…