Metlife unveils enhanced super member management platform

MetLife Australia has launched a new super member management platform, part of, it says, its “ongoing commitment to delivering a personalised member experience”.
The platform, christened ‘Manage My Insurance’, will give life insurance policyholders from Metlife Australia’s super fund partners a direct means of viewing and customising their account details and policies.
Members will also be able to view application statuses and access policy documents through the platform, with the platform designed to be “simple, secure, and convenient”, Metlife said.
Lina Saliba, MetLife Australia chief customer and marketing officer, welcomed the launch of the “enhanced online platform”.
“Manage My Insurance is a valuable tool for super funds to drive member engagement with life insurance, enhancing their members’ experience by offering personalisation and transparency,” she said.
Saliba added: “We know through MetLife research that members who engage with their insurance are 2.5 times more likely to recommend their super fund, making this a value engagement tool for our fund partners.”
The enhanced platform forms a key part of Metlife’s digital transformation journey, Saliba said, “as we continue to invest in technology and innovation to enhance our digital customer experience and deliver on our promise of being a trusted insurer”.
Metlife provides its life insurance products to 11 partner super funds, including Hostplus, UniSuper, CareSuper, Equip Super, Australian Ethical, and REI Super.
Will APRA actually regulate Industry Super ? More discussions over drinks at Industry Super sporting boxes no doubt will see…
Please explain ?
Surveying members that received full comprehensive Advice from external Advisers, and using that very positive research to promote their own…
CFS is simply going direct to the consumer and bypassing financial advisers. Nothing to commend.
Does no one read articles these days ? FFS