Managed products dominate APIR regos

Managed accounts and managed funds remain the industry’s product of choice according to APIR Systems’ latest 2022/23 data, showing managed investment products (MIPs) accounted for 70.4 per cent of total product registrations.
While the overall number of product registrations were slightly under the record set last year it was still 34.2 per cent above the rolling four-year average, with MIP registrations finishing 22.1 per cent above.
Managed accounts registrations also soared above the four-year rolling average and products using the separately managed accounts (SMA) model saw a 174.4 per cent increase when compared to the registrations from the previous year.
“Managed investment products continued to be the industry’s product engine room, however it is extremely pleasing to see the significant increase in managed account registrations in 2022/23, being 153.8% above the 4 year rolling average,” APIR chief executive, Chris Donohoe, said.
“This further demonstrates the industry’s better understanding of how to leverage the benefits of the APIR coding regime.”
Donohoe said superannuation investment products flooded the termination numbers for 2022/23, with years of mergers and acquisitions, and some still ongoing, affecting product availabilities and management.
The data also showed a 7.1 per cent increase from the previous year in new participant registrations completed by product issuers such as responsible entities (REs) and trustees, with 45 recorded in 2022/23.
“We expect that the continued domestic and global challenges, including a rapidly changing interest rate environment and the recessionary threats, will drive further innovative responses and offer opportunities to product manufacturers,” Donohoe said.
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