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The 2021 conference season brought to a virtual end

Squizzy31 July 2021
Conference graphic of headshots within connected gears

As Squizzy kicks off another week in lock-down he notes the number of invitations he has been receiving to attend events – virtual events, that is.

And he is wondering whether some of the bigger financial services events will actually end up going live this year such as the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) scheduled for the Gold Coast in November.

Also scheduled for November was the Financial Planning Association (FPA) Congress but Squizzy notes that the FPA has already run up the white flag on a 2021 event and has postponed until the 7-8 of April, next year.

So how good must the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (AIST) be feeling about getting its Conference of Major Superannuation Funds (CMSF) off the ground in Adelaide earlier this year, not to mention the success enjoyed by the Financial Services Council (FSC) with its insurance conference in Melbourne earlier this year.

On current indications, no one is expecting any major conferences to be “face to face” events for the remainder of 2021 which means that they’ll either be virtual events or delayed until vaccination levels increase and borders reopen.

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