Hosing on Scotty’s Budget push

The convention used to be that if the Government wanted to quietly announce something unpalatable it would do so while most of the journalists were distracted by the Federal Budget, but things have clearly changed.
While the Government was clearly distracted by generating positive political vibes around last night’s pre-election Budget, the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) was out there launching a very pointed campaign against the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.
Just about everywhere you could imagine, election-type signs were popping up suggesting that the Prime Minister didn’t hold a hose, liked to visit Hawaii and wasn’t that interested in wages growth.
The campaign was squarely aimed at discrediting both the Government and the Budget but more particularly the Prime Minister.
Squizzy reckons the campaign won’t have unduly worried the Government’s strategists but, on the other hand, those signs are going to be on a street or highway near you until at least election day.
If Sydney’s incessant rain has not been tedious enough, only another seven or eight weeks till election day.
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