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Is FASEA’s last message lost in time?

Squizzy3 January 2022
Graphic with camels and men walking through desert

The Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) ceased to exist on 1 January, 2022, and with it went its final messaging.

After raising himself out of his Christmas/New Year deckchair, Squizzy noted that long-time media consultant to FASEA, Bruce Madden, had penned a message on LinkedIn referencing truth being the first casualty of conflict and the existence of a “a few facts as the final missive from FASEA”.

Madden’s message provided a link to the FASEA website but, alas, as Squizzy discovered, the link was dead and all that could be found in 2022 was:



<Message>Access Denied</Message>




You see, FASEA and the website that it controlled is gone. It has been replaced by one which appears to be controlled by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and, perhaps, Treasury.

Squizzy is reminded of that old Turkish maxim: “The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on”.

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