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APRA seeks disqualification of industry super boss

Mike Taylor6 September 2024
Businessman tapping on the screen with Litigation written

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has announced it has started proceedings in the Federal Court seeking the disqualification of First Super director and co-chair, Michael O’Connor, who is also national secretary of the manufacturing division of the CFMEU.

APRA said the action followed an investigation into a contract between First Super and the CFMEU for member and employer services. The contract concluded in 2023.

APRA alleges that Mr O’Connor breached a number of the director covenants contained in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act (SIS Act) including the covenants to act honestly, exercise the same degree of care, skill and diligence as a prudent superannuation entity director would exercise, act in the best financial interests of beneficiaries, and to prioritise the interests of beneficiaries when in a position of conflict. It is alleged that:

  1. Mr O’Connor approved the appointment of a CFMEU employee to perform a full-time role under the MESC contract and:
    1. was aware that the employee continued to undertake a significant portion of work for the CFMEU;
    2. directed or approved the employee carrying out the work for the CFMEU;
    3. was aware that First Super was paying fees under the MESC contract, which included an amount covering the full-time wage of the employee; and
    4. did not inform or seek approval from First Super for the employee to carry out work for the CFMEU or seek to reduce the fees payable by First Super under the MESC contract.
  2. Mr O’Connor was involved in the negotiation of the extension of the MESC contract on behalf of the CFMEU in circumstances where he was in a position of conflict.

APRA is seeking declarations and penalties against Mr O’Connor in relation to the alleged contraventions. APRA is also seeking orders disqualifying Mr O’Connor from acting as a responsible officer of any corporate trustee or superannuation entity for a period determined by the court.


Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor

Managing Editor/Publisher, Financial Newswire

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Regulatory Capture Corruption
6 months ago

Will APRA actually ever wake up to these massive clip the ticket Union Super / Bikie Super rorts ?
I feel a one off slap on the wrist here will likely see about all they do.
APRA & ASIC are owned and run by Union / Bikie Super these days.

had enough
6 months ago

Thats just the edge of it! These routs have been going on for decades They are just bolder now and getting caught out.

Terry G
6 months ago

If it wasn’t for 60 Minutes investigative journalism, would anything have happened?

This is a joke.

How can anyone have confidence….. ?