Choice a popular ASIC panel pick

Consumer group Choice has emerged as one of the most-frequently selected organisations on the advisory panels providing input to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
Answers provided by ASIC in response to questions on notice from a Parliamentary Committee reveal that not only does Choice sit on ASIC’s Consumer Consultative Panel but that its superannuation offshoot, Super Consumers Australia, also sits on the panel.
ASIC has also revealed that Choice also has a seat on its ASIC Consultative Panel.
The ASIC answers reveal the make-up of the Consumer Consultative Panel to be:
Gordon Renouf, Chair
o Fiona Balzer, Australian Shareholders Association (ASA),
o Robert Brown, ADF Financial Services Consumer Council (ADF FSCC),
o Professor Gail Pearson, Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA),
o Cat Newton, Consumer Action Law Centre, (CALC),
o Ian Yates, COTA Australia,
o Patrick Veyret, Choice,
o Pauline Smith, Financial Counselling Australia (FCA),
o Karen Cox, Financial Rights Legal Centre (FRLC),
o Jillian Williams, Indigenous Consumers Assistance Network (ICAN)
o Dana Beiglari, Legal Aid NSW (LAN),
o Xavier O’Halloran, Super Consumers Australia.
Those making up the ASIC Consultative Panel which deals with proposed regulatory changes include:
o Alan Kirkland (CEO, CHOICE)
o Anne Anderson (Board Investment Committee Member, REST and former Head of Fixed Income, UBS)
o Brad Holzberger (Former CIO, QSuper)
o Catherine Wolthuizen (Customer Advocate, NAB. Formerly of Financial Ombudsman Service UK and Australia)
o Deborah Cope (Member, Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal)
o Dimity Kingsford Smith (Professor, Faculty of Law, UNSW)
o Ellen Broad (Associate Professor, School of Cybernetics, Australian National University)
o Fiona Guthrie (CEO, Financial Counselling Australia)
o Geoff Warren (Associate Professor, ANU)
o Gerard Brody (CEO, Consumer Action Law Centre)
o Hon Wayne Martin AC QC (Former Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Western Australia)
o Ian Ramsay (Professor, Melbourne Law School)
o Jillian Broadbent AC (Director, Macquarie Group Limited and former Woolworths Group, Swiss Re, Chancellor of University of Wollongong)
o John Laker (Chair, ING and Former Chair, APRA)
o Lynwen Connick (Chief Information Security Officer, ANZ)
o Michael Dwyer (Former CEO, First State Super)
o Peter Strong (Former CEO, COSBOA)
o Pippa Downes (Investment Committee, AustralianSuper)
o Robert Johanson AO (Former Chair, Bendigo and Adelaide Bank)
o Robynne Quiggin (Associate Dean – Indigenous Leadership and Engagement, UTS)
o Susan Thorp (Professor of Finance and Associate Dean of Research, University of Sydney).
Those making up ASIC’s Financial Advisers Consultative Panel include:
o Andrew Albury
o Angela Martyn
o Delma Newton
o Sam Perera
o Susie Peterson
o Tracey Scotchbrook
o Jeff Thurecht
o Chris Webster
o Liz Westover
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