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FAAA names next Gwen Fletcher Memorial Award recipient

Yasmine Raso31 May 2024
Trophy with blue background and lights

The Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) has awarded the Gwen Fletcher Memorial Award for the first semester of 2024 to Nathan Purcell, a financial planner at Wollongong-based SWA Financial Planning.

The award honours the top performing student in the CFP certification (CFP C) for each semester, and is named after the ‘First Lady of Financial Planning’.

The award also recognises the student with “demonstrable dedication to providing high-quality financial advice”.

“I am overjoyed to be named the recipient of the Gwen Fletcher award, and to be honest I am still in shock at hearing this news,” Purcell said.

“Completing the CFP program has given me an enhanced appreciation for the depth of knowledge, skills and professionalism we have within the financial planning industry.

“It was certainly a challenge, and I am grateful that the CFP program allowed me the flexibility to apply myself to the course over a period of time. I particularly enjoyed the client-first approach in every unit.

“The CFP program requires you to apply yourself to a wide range of scenarios and strategies, while always keeping the needs and goals of clients paramount. I believe the program will continue to be a cornerstone in advancing the professionalism of our industry and meeting the needs of a diverse Australian public.”

Sarah Abood, the chief executive of the FAAA, also congratulated Purcell on his win.

“I congratulate Nathan on persevering with his studies alongside his work commitments, his dedication is an exceptional example of the financial planning profession at its best. Gwen Fletcher was a pioneer in financial planning education and elevated the profession to new heights, and I have no doubt that Nathan will continue this proud legacy,” she said.

“The CFP Certification Program is an integral part of the FAAA’s efforts to support technical excellence in financial planning and equip planners with the skills and confidence needed to provide the best quality financial advice to Australians.”

Purcell has a Master of Professional Accounting from the University of Wollongong and a Diploma of Financial Planning.

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