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FAAA reveals breakthrough AFCA position on Dixon Advisory

Mike Taylor29 May 2024
Darts - hits and misses

The Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA) welcomes the decision by Australian Financial Complaints Authority board to end the membership of Dixon Advisory from 30 June, this year.

The FAAA confirmed receipt of a letter from AFCA confirming the board’s position, but noted that it was open to the administrator of Dixon Advisory to make a submission on the issue.

The FAAA said the letter from AFCA was in response to concerns raised by the association about Dixons’ continued membership of AFCA.

Commenting on the letter, FAAA chief executive, Sarah Abood said it represented a fair and sensible decision, following months of relentless FAAA advocacy.

“The FAAA has been calling for Dixons’ membership of AFCA to be ended for some time. It has been extended twice, despite the fact the company went into administration in January 2022.  This meant that complaints by former clients could continue to be made and would continue to be eligible for compensation from the Compensation Scheme of Last Resort (CSLR), considerably increasing the potential cost of the scheme to financial advisers well beyond the actuarial estimates.”

“Ending the membership of Dixons as proposed, effective on 30 June 2024, represents an appropriate and fair outcome for consumers, providing them with ample time to lodge a claim, as well as recognising that the profession is funding the compensation.”

Abood said the FAAA is calling on the government to take further action as there is still considerable work to be done to ensure the funding model is sustainable.

“The FAAA supports the CSLR in principle, however a number of substantial problems remain with the way the scheme has been funded, which threaten its long-term viability.

“The burden should not fall on financial advisers who have done nothing wrong. It is economically impossible for the small business financial advice sector to underwrite the failures of large listed firms.

“The CSLR has created a situation where companies can simply walk away from a failed subsidiary, leaving the rest of the sector to compensate clients.  This is a dangerous precedent and removes the consequences of poor or risk-taking decision making.

“It is disappointing that Minister Jones has not yet responded to the concerns the FAAA has been expressing on behalf of members since before the scheme launched, regarding the size and scope of the CSLR, and the unsustainable nature of its funding.

“Without changes to the funding model, the scheme is likely to further increase the cost of advice – through advisers either passing additional costs through to clients, or leaving the profession as a result of increased costs – further exacerbating the current demand/supply imbalance, and increasing the costs of those who remain, in a vicious cycle.

“We share a common goal with the government; to make high quality financial advice more affordable and accessible for consumers. The CSLR is one of the biggest threats to this goal and we will continue our campaign to ensure the scheme is set on a sustainable footing.”

Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor

Managing Editor/Publisher, Financial Newswire

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Govt Theft from Advisers
4 months ago

Yeh awesome job FAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, not.
What there are 3 Dodgy Dixon’s clients left that have not signed up to AFCA & thus CSLR already.
Shut the freaking gate FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the CSLR horse has bolted, costing Advisers squillions $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

4 months ago

No doubt AFCA will be heavily pushing their vexatious claim spruiking campaign prior to the deadline.

Old Risky
4 months ago

Yesterday somebody estimated that the Dixon levy would cost advisers $4000. Add that to an ASIC levy of $2500, ever increasing PI fees and licensee fees and you have to question why are you still here

I think I’ll just jump on this approaching handbasket

4 months ago
Reply to  Old Risky

I’m lodging my claim as well in 2046, I’m sure it will be accepted right!!!

4 months ago

Why won’t the Minister respond to the FAAA concerns regarding the CSLR?

This is very poor.