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Synchron hires new state manager

Yasmine Raso15 February 2022
Emma Crothers

Financial advice firm, Synchron, announced the appointment of Emma Crothers as the new South Australia/Northern Territory State Manager at a gathering of Synchron advisers in Adelaide last week.

Based in Adelaide, Crothers recently ran her own consultancy firm, Fusion Practice Solutions, providing project management and administration support services to financial planning businesses.

“Emma’s long experience working with financial advisers and the fact that she is a Synchron NextGen graduate, means she has an excellent understanding of the challenges and ambitions of Synchron advisers,” Don Trapnell, Director of Synchron, said.

“We are looking forward to working with her as she continues to grow and develop our adviser force in South Australia and the Northern Territory.”

Crothers began her career in financial services in 2004 with the Bank of South Australia, before moving on to financial planning roles at Professional Investment Services. She also took on roles in the client development management space at AIA for more than five years before launching her own consultancy practice.

“I am super excited to be joining the Synchron team and begin working with the SA/NT advisers,” she said.

Crothers’ appointment comes after the passing of Synchron’s former SA/NT State Manager, Chris Regenass.

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