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BT launches Activam’s managed account on Panorama

Oksana Patron5 October 2023
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BT has announced the launch of the Activam Group managed account on BT Panorama.

Activam Group, which is an investment firm with total funds under management and advice exceeding $5 billion, said the new SMA will initially be made available for the client base of Right Advice Wealth Management, and would be a continuation of the two-year relationship between the investment manager and financial planning firm.

“Our commitment is to partner and grow with financial advisers and wealth practices such as the team at Right Advice. We’re extremely pleased to deliver such a positive outcome for Right Advice and their clients,” Robert Talevski, founder and managing director of Activam Group, said.

Right Advice Director, Matt Lewis, said the new investment model would help the financial planning firm to build a sustainable and competitive practice, and provide a positive end-to-end client experience.

“BT and Activam Group helped our team to embed the new managed account solution across our advice practices, so that the transition from a tailored portfolio to the separately managed account could be as seamless as possible,” Lewis noted.

“We are excited to have the SMA available to us via the BT Panorama platform as this allows us to increase our efficiencies, whilst also lowering our cost to serve. This in turn allows us more time to foster relationships with clients.”

The Activam Group managed account will also be available to other advice practices, on request.

Funds under advice (FUA) in BT’s managed portfolios increased by 18% in the year to the end of August.

In 2018, the proportion of funds under administration (FUA) in managed portfolios on BT Panorama which were invested in diversified portfolios was 51%; since then, this proportion has steadily grown to 90%, the firm said.

Over 30 managed portfolios have been added to BT Panorama in calendar year 2023, all of which are diversified.



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