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HUB24 adds Dynamic Asset portfolios to platform

Yasmine Raso18 November 2021
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Investment and superannuation platform HUB24 has added Dynamic Asset Managed Account portfolios to its platform investor directed portfolio service (IDPS), CHOICE menu.

 Established in 2013 by financial advisers, Dynamic Asset provides managed account investment portfolios and business solutions created to meet specific investment goals across liquidity and risk-return criteria.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are actively managed portfolios that provide advisers with a retail solution to the approach taken by institutional investors and advisers seeking to capitalise on today’s changing market and economic conditions.

The new addition extends HUB24’s suite of product solutions that enable advisers to deliver value for their clients and build tailored investment portfolios.

“We are thrilled with the addition of Dynamic Asset portfolios to the HUB24 Platform,” Matthew Walker, Managing Director at Dynamic Asset said.

“We share HUB24’s aim to make it easier and more efficient for advisers to provide services that today’s clients demand.”

The portfolios also form part of a complete off-the-shelf managed account solution that was built to foster adviser business growth and scalability. The solution is designed to help advisers provide their clients with a differentiated and valuable proposition, highlighting the efficiency of their service delivery and the importance of spending more time with clients.

“Furthermore, market demand for Dynamic Asset’s differentiated managed account solution is growing,” Walker said.

“Being on Australia’s most popular platform means that many more advisers and clients will gain access to a solution that will benefit both clients and advice businesses.”


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