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Live presence across all markets

Oksana Patron18 September 2023

The Macquarie International Infrastructure Services Fund, which has won the 2023 Financial Newswire-SQM Research Fund Manager of the Year Listed Infrastructure award, has attributed its success to its consistent approach that focuses on the quality of infrastructure assets and the intrinsic value of those assets.

“We seek to invest in companies that offer access to key structural drivers of growth, such as increased demand for security of energy supply, the renewal of ageing infrastructure, and the energy transition toward greater electrification,” Anthony Felton, portfolio manager, Global Listed Infrastructure, said.

With a global footprint and an investment team spanning across Australia, the US, and Europe, we are able to provide closer access to investee companies and a live presence across all markets.”

The fund’s investment team, which has been described as of international and diverse nature, “with a natural curiosity for the asset class”, has extensive experience with almost 20 years in the sector.

“The significant depth of experience is a key attribute of our investment team, with Macquarie Asset Management launching the first Global Listed Infrastructure fund in 2004. The team has collaborative approach that utilises in-depth fundamental research as an input to a decision-making process undertaken by the full investment team, rather than a top-down approach,” Felton said.

“Infrastructure is an exciting sector to invest in, as it involves real assets used by communities around the world that are continually growing due to technological and societal changes, while still being within stable frameworks that have the potential to deliver consistent growth in capital over the long term.”

Felton said that the nomination for the award followed a three-year period of intense market and economic volatility and served as acknowledgement that the fund’s investment process could deliver during periods when clients needed it most.

“Covid, volatile energy prices, and very high inflation have challenged traditional asset classes, and our fund has delivered upon its objectives consistently throughout this period, highlighting infrastructure’s resilience, as well as the potential for markets to misprice assets, which creates opportunities,” he concluded.


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